Cheers to the Weekend!

Happy Friday!

Who else is thrilled that it’s Friday? I definitely am! Work is finished for the day and I’m a free bird tonight! Jhon has work at the catering hall but I’m off.

Even though I love the weekends, I do hate them for ONE reason, which is the fact that I tend to stray far from my diet on the weekends. This is something that needs to change because all my hard work during the week goes down the drain. This weekend, I pledge to make it different!

Before I jump to today, yesterday ended on a great note! I made a salad for dinner, which I ended up eating at various different times before my police class began.


Not gonna lie, I wasn’t a huge fan. I was out of chicken so I kinda threw this together quickly. With romaine lettuce as the base, I diced a tomato and carrots and topped it with 1/2 cup edamame and 4 egg whites. I also had 2 tbsp Bolthouse Farms blue cheese dressing (35 cals!).

Today, I worked at an elementary school so my starting time was much later. I got to sleep an extra hour and a half and it felt great! I also ate breakfast at home since the school is less than a mile from my house so there was no travel time needed.


I devoured a raspberry Chobani with 2/3 cup Trader Joe’s high fiber cereal in no time!

Days in the elementary school fly by because they are so much busier than those in middle school (for a sub anyway). Today was no different. Before I knew it, it was lunch time.


1/2 cup quick oats with cinnamon, 1 tbsp chia seeds, and a banana did the trick.

After work, Diesel and I power walked for 33 minutes followed by 2 minutes of jumping jacks. I was sweatin’ and it felt great! I just munched on an apple as I wrote this post.

I’m off to the grocery store to buy some chicken to make a salad for dinner. I’m gonna prep it all then meet up with my sister to do some shopping for our new townhouse/trip to Florida next week! I’m determined to make this weekend different. No cheating on my diet!

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